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전시. 공지/게시물

A Spring Idyll

A Spring Idyll

George Henry Boughton, A Spring Idyll , 1901

Idyll; idyl이라고도 씀. ('작은 그림'이라는 뜻의 그리스어 eidyllion에서 유래) 시골풍이나 목가적 성격을 지닌 단시(短詩).풍경의 요소를 묘사하거나 암시하는 것이 특징이다


Pilgrims Going to Church by George Henry Boughton (1867)
Pilgrims Going to Church by George Henry Boughton (1867)

George Henry Boughton (1834-1905) was an Anglo-American painter.

He was born in England, but his parents immigrated to the United States in 1839, and he grew up in Albany, New York. He studied art in Paris from 1861 to 1862, and subsequently lived mainly in London; he was greatly influenced by Frederick Walker.

He was elected an A.R.A. in 1879, an R.A. in 1896, and a member of the National Academy of Design in New York in 1871. His pictures of Dutch life and scenery were especially characteristic; and his subject-pictures, such as the Return of the Mayflower and The Scarlet Letter, were very popular in America.



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