좋은그림들/외국의화가의 작품

Sally Swatland

조용한ㅁ 2010. 3. 2. 06:49

청순한 아이들
Artist : Sally Swatland

1. A Quiet Corner

2.Afternoon on the Terrace

3. Tapestry of Color

4. The Garden at Khakum Woods

5. Story Time on Round Hill

6. Garden at Southhampton

7. Quiet Afternoon at Binney Park

8. The Garden at Newbury

9. Garden at Butternut Hollow

10. Pond at Riverside Road

11. Spring Picnic

12. Nantucket Garden

13. Summer Shade

14. The Garden at Quogue

15. Easthampton Garden

16. The Fragrance of Summer

17. Spring Flowers

18. Island Garden

19. By the Pond

20. The Path up from the Beach

21. Long Island Sound

22. August Delphinium

23. Summer Hollyhocks

-The End-