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좋은그림들/외국의화가의 작품

Anna Silivonchik

Anna Silivonchik

Born 1980 in Gomel, Belarus
1992-1999 - Republic's College of Art
1999-2007 - Belarussian Academy of Art
Since 2008 – a member of Belarusan Artists’ Union.
Works can be found in the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus,
the Contemporary Arts Museum (Minsk, Belarus) and the Contemporary Russian
Arts Museum (Jersey City, USA) And private collections in Belarus, Russia,
USA, Germany, Israel, Japan, and France.


2009 – Talent and Vocation, medal of Peacemaker International Alliance. Moscow (Russia)
2009 – 1st prize in Contemporary Painting nomination at Spring – 2009, Russian Arts Week.
       Artists’ Moscow House. Moscow (Russia)
2009 – Diploma of Earth Day, contest exhibition. Gallery at Pushkin Library. Minsk (Belarus)
2007 – Diploma of 4th Tashkent International Contemporary Arts Biennale. Tashkent (Uzbekistan)

Personal exhibitions:

2010 - "In the Mood for Love" , Gallery at Belarussian Academy of Art, Minsk (Belarus)
2009 - "Summer romance" Art-usadba gallery, Yalta (Ukraine)
2008 - "Vera, Nadya, Lyuba" exhibition in "Gallery on Solyanka" Moscow (Russia)
     – Old New Year. “University of Culture” Gallery at Palace of Republic. Minsk (Belarus)
     – Spring Looks Through My Window. Contemporary Arts Museum. Minsk (Belarus)
     – Conception Gallery. Minsk (Belarus)
2007 - Personal Exhibit, Embassy of the United States, Minsk (Belarus)
     - Personal Exhibit, Embassy of the United States, Minsk (Belarus)
     - Indian summer, Mastastva Gallery, Minsk (Belarus)
     - Exhibit of Graphics "Panaroshku," Podzemka Gallery, Minsk (Belarus)
2005 - Personal Exhibit, "Conceptions," Minsk (Belarus)
     - Colour dreams, The Tizengous Gallery, Hrodna (Belarus)
2004 - Personal Exhibit, Regional Museum, Rechitza (Belarus)
2001 - Personal Exhibit, Regional Museum, Rechitza (Belarus)
     - Personal Exhibit, Gomel University, Gomel (Belarus)
1999 - Personal Exhibit, Fuseen (Germany)

Group exhibitions:

2010 – Belart.by.Young artists of Belarus, the State Central Museum of
        Contemporary History of Russia, Moscow (Russia)
     – Young artists' exhibition 2010, Palace of Arts, Minsk (Belarus)
     - Gardener in love, Mastastva Gallery, Minsk (Belarus)
     - Biosphere, Gallery at Palace of Republic. Minsk (Belarus)
     – Birch sap, Exhibition in Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minsk (Belarus)
     - Christmas carol, national exhibition. Palace of Arts. Minsk (Belarus)
     - Artists’ Central House – 2010, Moscow International Art Salon. Moscow (Russia)
     - Pictures for a children, Jūrmala City Museum, Latvia
     - Exhibition in Le Siants Gallery, Prague, Czechia
2009 - Pair. joint exhibition with Vasil Peshkun.
       Art gallery by Gabriel Vaschenco.Gomel (Belarus)
     – Venus’s Garden. Palace of Arts. Minsk (Belarus)
     – New Time, national exhibition. Palace of Arts. Minsk (Belarus)
     – Young Artists’ National Exhibition. Palace of Arts. Minsk (Belarus)
     – one Day In A Woman’s Life. Contemporary Arts Museum. Minsk (Belarus)
     – Baby Boom. “University of Culture” Gallery at Palace of Republic. Minsk (Belarus)
     – Moods, joint exhibition with Tatiana Grinevich. Tyzengauz Gallery. Hrodna (Belarus)
     – Spring – 2009, Russian Arts Week. Artists’ Moscow House. Moscow (Russia)
     – Belarusan Artists’ Exhibition. 137 Gallery. Lodz (Poland)
     – Point of View. Belarus Centre. Bialystok (Poland)
2008 – Art-Bulba, national exhibition. “University of Culture”
       Gallery at Palace of Republic. Minsk (Belarus)
     – Young Artists’ National Exhibition. Palace of Arts. Minsk (Belarus)
     – Still Life, national exhibition. Palace of Arts. Minsk (Belarus)
     – Artists’ Central House – 2008, Moscow International Art Salon. Moscow (Russia)
     – My.by – Meetings With Belarus. St. George Residence. Budapest (Hungary)
     – Belarus Culture Days in Poland. Gdansk (Poland)
     – Nation’s Arts. Youth, international exhibition. Astana (Kazakhstan)
2007 - International Exhibit "Eastern Neighbors," Utrecht (Netherlands)
2006 - Pozirk. Show, Mansard of Artists, St. Petersburg, Russia
     - Christmas Holidays. Bel Art, Brest (Belarus)
2005 - Student Exhibit, at the Vilnius Gallery, Minsk (Belarus)
     - ART - Sessions. Vitebsk (Belarus)
     - Republic-wide Women's Exhibit. Minsk (Belarus)
     - My City. “University of Culture” Gallery at Palace of Republic., Minsk (Belarus)
2004 - Republic-wide Exhibit, "Padorozhha", Palace of Arts. Minsk (Belarus)
2003 - Republic-wide Women's Exhbit, Palace of Arts. Minsk (Belarus)
2002 - Student Conference, Academy of Art, Minsk (Belarus)
2001 - Belarusrus - ART - Sessions, Vitebsk (Belarus)

 Anna Silivonchik is well-known for her stark individuality among young Belarusan
painters.She is an artist who works in her own unique artistic style, creating a
separate, special world filled with her own system of images, meanings, and her own
universe of the sacred.
   In searching for subjects and solutions for her works, the artist reaches back to
archetypal layers of her culture while maintaining visible ties to the 20th century art.
   Thus, one can find the aesthetic sources of her inspiration in the whimsical realism
of Mark Chagall, the naïve art of the primitivists of the early 20th century, and of
course in local, national ornamental art and folklore.
   Many various characters - children, lovers, animal-people, bird-people, angels, lions
and mythological beings - unicorns, sirens, dragons - populate the visionary world of
Anna. It is a world of folktales from various nations. It is the coming-to-life of
childhood fantasies and dreams. It is a reflection of simple and eternal human
feelings - love, happiness, joy, birth; the never-changing laws of nature - the day into
night, the seasons, life and death. It is a reflection on the difficulties of human
relationships, home, the family, the search for the meaning of life, and a
conceptualization of the principles of the world's creation.
   Most importantly for the artist, it is the entirety of the world, an unbroken, deep
tie to all of the elements. The unique and multi-faceted combination of images and
thoughts, that Anna creates in every painting (almost always with a slight dash of humor),
creates a strong emotional charge through astounding metaphors that give birth to many
unexpected associations.
   Working in the traditional techniques of oil painting, Anna strives for variety,
experimenting with many production materials, including textured and patterned canvasses
that are produced specially for each work and create a uniquely expressive, living
language dominated by the bright voices of the paints. Her very delicate feel for color,
forethought of line, and intimate details help express a distinct mood.
   One of the artist's unique attributes is her skill at improvisation. A thought or an
idea opens itself, and becomes embodied in this or that image, starting to come to life
directly on the canvas, giving birth to new images, which may not have space on one
limited canvas, thus creating a series of painting with each work as an independent,
complete creation, and also part of a larger bold, unending world, where everything is
possible. Here, the most unattainable dreams become reality, and simple, every-day items
become symbolic thoughts.
   This is the endless story of human relationships with the world, of the harmony and
joy of life in all its forms.


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