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좋은그림들/외국의화가의 작품

John Atkinson Grimshaw

John Atkinson Grimshaw

English Victorian era artist       

best known for his nocturnal scenes of urban landscapes

6 September 1836 13 October 1893 

An Autumn Idyll
Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum
Painting - oil on canvas

낙엽 하나 떨어지면
온 세상에 가을이 오듯
목숨 하나 떨구고
온 세상에 사랑이 오게 하는
그를 따라 사는 자는 행복하여라

그 나라를 아름답게 하기 위하여
이 세상을 아름답게 하는
올바르게 사는 일을 가르치기 위하여
올바르게 죽는 일을 가르치는
그를 따라서 사는 자는 행복하여라

밤마다 둥근잎 느티나무 아래 앉아
별들의 종소리를 들으며
눈물이 강물이 되도록 기도하는
사랑의 계절을 이 땅에 오게 하는
그를 따라 사는 자는 아름다워라

눈부시게 밝은 햇살 아래
언제나 눈물 너머로 보이는 이여
끝끝내 인간의 사막을 걸어간
걸어서 하늘까지 다다른 이여
그를 따라 사는 자는 아름다워라

가을에 당신에게          . . . . . . . . . . .        정호승 (鄭浩承, 1950- , 대한민국, 시인)

The Quiet of the Lake, Roundhay Park
Private collection
Painting - oil on cardboard

The Last Gleam
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

All in the Golden Twilight
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

After the Shower
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

Autumn Glory, The Old Mill
Leeds Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas

Autumn Evening
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Autumn Gold
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

Autumn Regrets
Shipley Art Gallery
Painting - oil on cardboard

Autumn Sunshine, Stapleton Park, Pontefract
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

Autumn Twilight
Private collection
Painting - watercolor

Baiting the Lines, Whitby
The Hepworth - Wakefield
Painting - oil on canvas

Bonchurch, the Isle of Wight
Private collection
Painting - oil on cardboard

Briggate, Leeds
Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council
Painting - oil on canvas

Burning Off, a Fishing Boat at Scarborough
Scarborough Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas

The Chorale
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

A classical maiden seated on a terrace by moonlight
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

The Custom House, Liverpool, Looking North
Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Painting - oil on canvas

The Custom House, Liverpool, Looking South
Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Painting - oil on canvas

Glasgow, Saturday Night
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Glasgow, Twilight
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Golden Glory
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

The Gossips, Bonchurch, Isle of Wight
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

Greenwich, Half Tide
Shipley Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas

The Harbour at Whitby by Moonlight
Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Painting - oil on board

The Haunt of the Heron
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Heath Street, Hampstead
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

Heaven's Lamp
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

In the Golden Olden Times
Harris Museum and Art Gallery - Preston (UK)
Painting - oil on canvas

 The Ironbound Shore
Lake District - National Trust
Painting - oil on cardboard

Lights in the Harbour, Scarborough
Scarborough Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas

Liverpool Docks
Kirklees Museums and Galleries
Painting - oil on canvas

Liverpool Docks by Night
Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Painting - oil on canvas

Liverpool Lights
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Moonlight after rain
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Moonlight Scene near Leeds
Kirklees Museums and Galleries
Painting - oil on board

A moonlit country road
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

A Moonlit Evening
Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza
Painting - oil on cardboard

A Moonlit Lane
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

A moonlit street after rain
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

A moonlit stroll, Bonchurch, Isle of Wight
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

A Moonlit Walk
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

Near Hackness, a Moonlit Scene with Pine Trees
Private collection
Painting - oil on cardboard

Nearing Home
Private collection

Nightfall down the Thames
Leeds Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas

Night Scene, Rouen
Kirklees Museums and Galleries
Painting - oil on board

Old Greenock
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Reekie, Glasgow
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Roundhay Lake
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

Sic transit gloria mundi
(also known as The Burning of the Spa Saloon)
Scarborough Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas

Silver Moonlight
Kirklees Museums and Galleries
Painting - oil on canvas

Southwark Bridge and St. Paul's
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Stapleton Park, near Pontefract, Leeds
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

Thames Moonlight
Stanley and Audrey Burton Art Gallery - University of Leeds
Painting - oil on canvas

 The Tryst
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Under the Beeches
Laing Art Gallery - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Painting - oil on canvas

View of Battersea Bridge at Night
Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology - University of Oxford
Painting - oil on panel

  A View of Hampstead, London
University of Liverpool - Victoria Gallery and Museum
Painting - oil on board

View of Heath Street by Night
Tate Britain - London
Painting - oil on board

Waterloo lake, Roundhay Park, Leeds
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

  A Wet Moon, Putney Road
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Whitby Abbey and Church
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

Whitby Harbour
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

Yew Court, Scalby
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

A Yorkshire Home
Mercer Art Gallery - Harrogate
Painting - oil on canvas

Lovers on a Moonlight Lane
Private collection
Painting - oil on cardboard

Autumn Sunlight

Woman on a path by a cottage
Private collection