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좋은그림들/외국의화가의 작품

The Lovers of Spring


The Lovers of Spring



Branche de Citisedans Une Vase 



Beneath the Trellis


Central Basin Park Manor Marquayrol 



In the flowers



two women



Two women sitting on a railing in front of Pierre



The Devout



Guardian goat walking in the Valley of Green



Girl with Flowers






Young woman carrying a basket on her head to a pergola red vine-yard



Young Women in Garden Marquayrol



Young veiled woman in a white forest



Kneeling Muse



La Bastide-du-Vert



Lady with Lyre by Pine trees



the Gloriette



La Maison de Marie-Louise in Spring at La Bastide-du-Vert



La Tonnelle



Treille Fleurie



Valley Green Labastide-du-Vert



The child The goose



The Summer



The terrace Marquayrol 



Madame Henri Martin sitting on the edge of a basin of Marquayrol



Madame Henri Martin under the Oleander at Marquayrol



Marie Louise





The Muse  



Flowering garden in Spring



 Poets on a lake shore



Orpheus Playing the Lyre






Trees in flower



The Poetess



Polpars by a Stream



Sewing in the garden at Marquayrol 



The Shepherdess



A Shepherdess and Her Sheep



Three Women in a garden



Two Peasants



Two Sisters



The weaving women



Woman on the Grass 



A woman sewing



Woman sewing on a veranda



Women sewing at the Pergoal in Marquayrol



Young Girl Sewing



Young woman sewing in garden



Young Women Beneath the Arbor



Young Women in the Garden at Marquayrol


A woman sewing


Large Sewing under the Pergola on the South Side of the Arbor Park at Marquayrol



Orpheus in a wood 



Poplars in Spring



Muse in the Fields 

Henri Jean Guillaume Martin

French Post Impressionist Painter

born 1860 - died 1943 



Beautiful Girl Walking through the Field, a Flower in Her Hand 


dream of the day 



Secret Garden, Adagio