좋은그림들/외국의화가의 작품

[스크랩] 色, 色 눈송이가 그림을 만들어 간다 /Angelo Franco

조용한ㅁ 2006. 1. 7. 01:28

*******글자판 윗쪽의 "F11"키를 눌러 놓고 보시면 그림이 훨씬 시원하게 보입니다******

Angelo Franco

"Still Life Abstraction 3-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 18" x 24" inches

"Landscape Abstraction (Orange Moon) #11-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 18" x 24" inches

"Landscape Abstraction 7-05" (close-up detail) 2005. Oil on canvas 25" x 34" inches

"Floral Abstraction #21-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 25" x 34" inches

"Hudson River Abstraction 7-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 25" x 34" inches

"Hudson River Abstraction 6-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 25" x 34" inches

"Landscape Abstraction 2-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 18" x 24" inches

"Hudson River Abstraction 3-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 40" x 52" inches

"Floral Abstraction 4-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 18" x 24" inches

"Floral Abstraction #25-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 25" x 34" inches

"Floral Abstraction #24-05" 2005. Oil on wood panel 24" x 24" inches

"Floral Abstraction 18-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 34" x 25" inches

"Mentz Floral Bouquet" 2005. Oil painting on linen,

"Floral Abstraction #27-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 30" x 24" inches

"Floral Abstraction 19-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 30" x 24" inches

"Floral Abstraction 17-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 24" x 18" inches

"Floral Abstraction 16-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 36" x 30" inches

"Floral Abstraction 13-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 40" x 34" inches

"Floral Abstraction 12-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 18" x 14" inches

"Floral Abstraction 11-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 20" x 16" inches

"Hudson River Landscape" 2004. Oil on canvas 12x16 inches

"Floral Abstraction #23-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 24" x 14" inches

"Floral Abstraction #22-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 24" x 18" inches

"Floral Abstraction 3-05" 2005. Oil on canvas 24" x 18" inches

"Abstract Two Reds" 2005. Oil on canvas 24" x 18" inches

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*위의 그림들과 사용음악 저작권자가 항의하면 즉시 지우겠습니다. 자료를 퍼서 옮기시는 분도 이에 따라 주시고
퍼서 옮기시더라도 원본을 훼손하지 말아 주세요..
*자료수집 및 편집 ; /한/국/야/외/수/채/화/가/회/ 홍/ 문/도/


Angelo Franco has been painting for thirty years,
and studied for four years under a full merit scholarship and stipend
at the Arts Student League in New York City from 1976-80.
His work was selected and included in the Art Students League뭩 permanent collection in 1980,
and his work had been in various exhibitions affiliated with the League during that time,
and in several corporations and private art collections.

"Each new work is a serious search to convey the essence of a subject in nature.
I try to convey the feeling and mood with,
simple compositions, shapes and bold contrasting colors.
whether the subject is a still life, landscape or portrait.?

출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
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