좋은그림들/외국의화가의 작품

봄을 기다리며...<수채화>/ Robert D. McFarland

조용한ㅁ 2008. 5. 7. 11:59
<수채화> 봄을 기다리며.../ Robert D. McFarland

Robert D. McFarland

Artist Robert D. McFarland (b. 1955) was born and raised in the small northern Utah town of Logan. He loved to explore the fields, old farmhouses and mountains of his native Cache valley. Not knowing of his future as an artist, McFarland kept in his mind these images that would one day inspire his watercolor style.
McFarland began painting in 1987 when his wife enrolled him in a beginning watercolor class as a birthday gift. She thought that this would be a good way to get some original art pieces on the walls. Having no previous experience in art except his own efforts at pencil drawing, he developed a burning desire to paint. He met a woman in the class who owned a small gallery and asked to exhibit some of his work. She sold the first few he gave her; he took in more and those also sold. McFarland began painting seriously every day and his work continued to sell. McFarland's wife says she is still waiting for paintings to hang on the walls!

McFarland has been involved in many major art shows in Utah. Twice he has received the "Artist of the Year" award at the annual "Celebration of Art and Soup", a very popular fundraising event in Salt Lake City. In 1997 he was featured in Southwest Art's emerging artist section. Galleries in Arizona, California and Utah represent McFarland. He is published and licensed through Applejack Art Partners in Manchester Center, Vermont.
* 이 그림자료를 퍼서 사용 할때에는 (자료출처:한국야외수채화가회http://www.outdoorwatercolor.com/)를 꼭 넣어 주시기 바랍니다.

원본 : <수채화> 봄을 기다리며.../ Robert D. McFarland

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