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좋은그림들/외국의화가의 작품

Jeremy Mannby

Brooding Cityscapes Painted with Oils by Jeremy Mann

Brooding Cityscapes Painted with Oils by Jeremy Mann urban painting

Brooding Cityscapes Painted with Oils by Jeremy Mann urban painting

Brooding Cityscapes Painted with Oils by Jeremy Mann urban painting

Brooding Cityscapes Painted with Oils by Jeremy Mann urban painting

Brooding Cityscapes Painted with Oils by Jeremy Mann urban painting

Brooding Cityscapes Painted with Oils by Jeremy Mann urban painting

Brooding Cityscapes Painted with Oils by Jeremy Mann urban painting

San Francisco-based artist Jeremy Mann executes these sublime, moody cityscapes using oil paints. To create each work he relies on a wide range of techniques including surface staining, the use of solvents to wipe away paint, and the application of broad, gritty marks with an ink brayer. The resulting paintings are dark and atmospheric, urban streets seemingly drenched in rain and mystery. Mann’s work is in no way limited to cityscapes, he also paints the human figure, still lifes, and landscapes. He currently has work at John Pence Gallery and you can see many more of his cityscapes here. (via my darkened eyes)

'좋은그림들 > 외국의화가의 작품' 카테고리의 다른 글

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