좋은그림들/외국의화가의 작품

조르주 쇠라의 작품세계

조용한ㅁ 2015. 3. 3. 22:48

조르주 쇠라의 작품세계 Ⅰ- Georges Seurat [풍경화]



조르주 쇠라 Georges Seurat(1859년~1891년) 3
프랑스 신인상주의 화가.
1859년 12월 2일 파리에서 출생.
1871년 혁명을 피해 퐁텐블로에 이주.
1875년 조각가 쥐스탱 르키앙에게서 그림을 배움.
1878년 파리국립미술학교에 입학.
1879년 11월 군복무를 위해 브레스트로 떠남.
1880년 파리로 돌아와 화실을 차림.
1883년 처음으로 살롱에 작품을 전시.
1884년 6월과 12월'독립미술가협회'의 앵데팡당전에 출품.
1886년 노르망디 그랑캉에서 지냄. 카미유 피사로를 만남.
1885년 그랑드자트섬에서 겨울을 보내며 그림 작업.
1886년 5월 15일부터 6월 15일까지 열린 인상파전시회에 출품.
1888년 2월 브뤼셀 방문. 뱅전람회에 출품.
1889년 '독립미술가협회전'에 출품.
1889년 피갈 지구에서 21살의 연인 마들렌 크노블로흐와 동거. 연인관계를 비밀에 부침.
대비색을 작은 색점들로 병치하여 빛의 움직임을 묘사한 점묘법.
1891년 3월 29일 편도선염의 악화로 부활절에 사망.




Landscape at Saint-Ouen, 1879, oil on panel, Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York, NY  (United States)



Man Leaning on a Parapet, 1879-1881, pastel, Private collection



Landscape with Copy after 'Le Pauvre Pecheur', 1881 ,  oil on canvas ,Private collection



The Forest at Pontaubert 1881 - 1882 , Oil on canvas
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, N.Y, United States Of America


Suburb, 1881-1882 , oil on canvas, Musée d'Art Moderne de Troyes  (France - Troyes)


The Clearing  (also known as Landscape with a Stake), 1881-1882 , oil on canvas, Kunstmuseum Basel  (Switzerland - Basel)



Grassy Hill. 1881 - 1882 , Oil on canvas
TheDallas Museum of Art, Dallas, T.X., United States Of America


Grassy Riverbank, 1881-1882 , oil on canvas, Dallas Museum of Art  (United States - Dallas, Texas)

Horse in a Field 1882 , Oil on canvas
Guggenheim Museum, New York, N.Y, United States Of America 

Ville-d'Avray 1882



Landscape of the Ile de France, 1881-1882 ,  Oil on canvas , Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, France


Ville-d'Avray, White Houses 1882 , Oil on canvas ,
Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Cows in a Field 1882 , Oil on wood , Private collection
Landscape 1882 , Oil on canvas
Landscape with a Horse 1882 , Oil on wood , Private collection




A Barbizon, 1882 , oil on panel, 16 cm X 25 cm, Private collection
Landsacape 1882 - 1883 , Oil on wood , Private collection
Suburb 1882 - 1883 , Oil on canvas , Musée d'Art moderne, Troyes, France

Watering Can 1883 , Oil on wood , Private collection
Forest of Barbizon 1883 , Oil on wood , Private collection


Two Banks 1883 , Oil on wood
Glasgow Museums and Art Galleries, Glasgow, United Kingdom


The Island of La Grande Jatte 1884 , Private collection
Saint-Vincent Street, Montmartre, Spring 1884 , Oil on wood
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Alfalfa, La Lucerne, Saint-Denis 1885 - 1886 , Oil on canvas
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, United Kingdom 


La Rade de Grandcamp 1885 , Oil on wood , Tate Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Le Bec du Hoc, Grandcamp 1885 , Oil on canvas
Tate Gallery, London, United Kingdom

Fort-Samson, Grandcamp 1885 , Oil on canvas , Collection of B Köller, Berlin, Germany


Boats. Bateux, maree basse, Grandcamp 1885 , Oil on wood ,Private collection



Grandcamp, Evening 1885 , Oil on canvas
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, N.Y, United States Of America 


La Siene a Courbevoie 1885 - 1886 , Oil on canvas , Private collection


Les Bas-Butin, Honfleur 1886 , Oil on canvas
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tournai, Tournai, Belgium



The End of a Jetty, Honfleur 1886 , Oil on canvas
Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo, Netherlands



La Maria, Honfleur 1886 , Oil on canvas , Narodni Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic



Quayside, Honfleur 1886 , Oil on canvas
Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo, Netherlands



The Harbour Entrance, Honfleur 1886 . Oil on canvas
Barnes Foundation, Lincoln University, Merion, P.A., United States Of America




Honfleur, Evening 1886 , Oil on canvas
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, N.Y, United States Of America 



The Bridge at Courbevoie 1886 - 1887 , Oil on canvas
Courtauld Institute Galleries, London, United Kingdom


The Channel of Gravelines, the Direction to theSea 1890 , Oil on canvas
Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo, Netherlands


Sunday at Port-en-Bessin 1888



Port-en-bessin, les grues et la percee 1888 , Oil on canvas
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., United States Of America



The Siene at La Grande Jatte 1888 , Oil on wood ,Private collection


Gray Weather, La Grande Jatte 1888 , Oil on canvas ,Private collection



Port-en-Bessin, Entrance to the Harbour 1888 , Oil on canvas
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, N.Y, United States Of America



The Siene at La Grande Jatte, Spring 1888


View of Crotoy, the Valley 1889 , Oil on canvas ,Private collection



View of Crotoy, the Hill 1889 , Oil on canvas
Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, M.I., United States Of America





The Channel of Gravelines, Petit Fort Philippe 1890 , Oil on canvas
Museum of Art, Indianopolis, I.N., United States Of America 
The Channel at Gravelines, in the direction of the Sea 1890
The Channel at Gravelines, Grand Fort-Philippe 1890

The Channel of Gravelines, Evening 1890
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, N.Y, United States Of America