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좋은그림들/외국의화가의 작품

[중국] Prof. Yiping Ma (馬一平 교수, Chinese 1941~ ) Yiping Ma (馬一平 敎授, Chinese, born 1941~ ) Ma Yiping (1941) is from Jinhua, Zhejiang Province. In 1958, he entered the Drawing Department of the Sichuan Art Academy to study oil painting. After his graduation in 1962, he beacme an art teacher. Most recently, Ma was a professor at the Oil Painting Department of the Sichuan Art Academy and head of the Art Education Resear.. 더보기
Galina Anisimova Artist Galina Anisimova City:Moscow, RussiaURL://artnow.ru/en/anisimovagpContacts:e-mail to the artist 솟대/이안삼 곡 더보기
Alfred Sisley 알프레드 시슬레 [ Alfred Sisley ] 작품감상프랑스에서 활약한 영국의 화가. 대표적인 인상파화가로 C.모네, 르누아르 등과 친숙하게 지냈다. 인상파 중에서도 특출하게 순수한 풍경화가로서 일 드 프랑스지방(파리를 중심으로 한 주변 지방)을 중심으로 하는 자연을 대상으로 물과 숲의 반.. 더보기
알프레드 시슬레(Alfred Sisley) 유렵의 거장 알프레드 시슬레(Alfred Sisley)의 그림(1) 포르 마를리의 홍수. 1876년. 캔버스에 유채. 50 x 61cm. 파리. 루앙 미술관. 빌뇌브라가렌의 다리. 1872년, 캔버스에 유채. 49.5 x 65.4cm. 뉴욕(미국). 메트로폴리탄 미술관. Provencher's Mill at Moret, 1883년. 캔버스에 유채. 54 x 73 cm. 로트르담(네덜란드.. 더보기
Albert Edelfelt Albert Edelfelt [Finnish Academic Painter, 1854-1905] Albert Gustaf Aristides Edelfelt (21 July 1854 – 18 August 1905) was a Finnish painter. Albert Edelfelt was born in Porvoo, Finland. His father Carl Albert was an architect. Edelfelt admired the poet laureate Johan Ludvig Runeberg, who was a friend of the family. The company of Runeberg had a lasting impact on Edelfelt, wh.. 더보기
Anna Ancher Anna Ancher (18 August 1859 – 15 April 1935) was a Danish artist associated with the Skagen Painters, an artists' colony on the northern point of Jutland, Denmark. She is considered to be one of Denmark's greatest visual artists. Anna Kirstine Br?ndum은 덴마크, Erik Andersen Br?ndum의 딸 그리고 Ane Hedvig M?ller의 Skagen에(서) 태어났습니다. She는 실제로 .. 더보기
[스크랩] Maria Szollosi / My Angel Maria Szollosi (Mariska) Memory Box My Angel Series 01 My Angel Series 03 Fields Of Golden Dreams Treasures The First Dance With You My Angel Series 04 My Angel Series 02 Whispers Of The Breeze * Time To Unleash Your Dreams Without You Tender Regard Tears Of The Pray Fashion Series 03 Modern Madonna Old Masters In Digital * > 더보기
[스크랩] Inna Tsukakhina / 꿈꾸다 (1 ) Valery Tsukahin (Валерий Цукахин, Russia, B.1960) A Birdie Girl (Девушка-птичка) Silver Wind (Серебрянный ветер) Tender Breath (Легкое дуновение) Violet Model (Модель на фиолетовом) Lady With Umbrella (Дама с зо.. 더보기